Through our partner, we also provide domain name reservation and web hosting services, so you can manage everything in one place, saving unnecessary communication.
Technical information:
Premium servers
99.9% availability
UPS uninterruptible power supplies
Automatic backup (daily, weekly, monthly)
Encrypted access (SSL/TLS)
i-MSCP in Hungarian
unlimited data traffic
MySQL 5.7
Built-in phpMyAdmin
Customizable PHP versions
Individually adjustable PHP.INI values (e.g. php_memory_limit, max_input_vars, etc.)
PHP modules that can be switched on/off (e.g. GD, ImageMagick, IonCube, Curl, etc.)
Webmail interface (Rouncube, RainLoop)
Encrypted SMTP server service for secure mail sending
Server-side email filter/forwarding rules
Free SPAM protection
Web statistics
File manager
Helpful and prepared customer service